Writing article is an affordable idea to generate targeted traffic, to build your website’s popularity as well as to get high conversion ratio for your business. Since internet marketing article became a popular method for every webmaster and marketer, many people, whose talents are writing skills, have considered working as online freelance writers for their full-time jobs. While the popularity of article marketing has spreaded out to the world of blogging, people found many ways to write such great articles to fulfill the market’s requirement. There is one simple way which is usually overlooked and misunderstood by many people but paying you great advantages if applying in the appropriate way. The crucial word right here is “Forum Post”. Through his blog post, you will be guided to how to write a great article including writing a great article title, introduction, body and conclusion using forum posts and threads.
I hope you may understand what forum marketing is, how to join and how to do it. But if you’re not clear, let me give you a brief. Forum marketing is defined to be a popular method to promote your blog, to gain knowledge, to help community and to claim yourself as the expert in the niche. Forum is known as places or parts of any popular websites around any niches where people are combined and make a big discussion around any issues or concerns. You can join, post your questions, answer the member’s concerns, etc. You can also take good advantages of it by creating a signature with your site’s url and you can even place the link to other sites if you are allowed by the forum’s moderator or you acquire with the forum’s guideline.
By following this guide, I hope you will have some ideas to write better article using forum posts and threads that I’ll cover in the following steps.
Writing Great Article Title or Headline
Just want to make this simple for you by copying the forum post’s title then coming back to edit it to get the best out of the best. You may want to add your own keywords, the keywords you did the search and selection using any tools, to the article title or headline. You do that by going to Google Adword tool or other useful tools you familiar with the do the search for the right ones that fit your new article. You also need to pick up some related keywords to help your article get higher page rank in search engine result pages. The most important step for this is to select any keywords with more searches and low competitors. OK, now you’ve selected the right keywords. What’s next?
Suppose you picked up a forum post from v7n.com, which is titled “How to increase your blog’s page rank”. You then want to convert it into your article title by including your unique keyword. The selected keyword is “free website traffic generation ideas”. What should your title be?
Here are a few examples to consider:
Increase Your Page Rank Using Free Website Traffic Generation Ideas.
Having Trouble With Page Rank? Why Do not Try Free Website Traffic Generation Ideas?
Free Website Traffic Generation Ideas That Buzz Your Page Rank.
If you still face trouble with writing the article’s headline, go to a search engine and do more search about “how to write article’s title or headline”. You probably find more tips in writing your article’s title. That’s it for the title!
Writing Great Article Introduction Passage
Think outside the box, you need to wake your readers up with a warm and great introduction passage. You then have to add the keyword into your article introduction passage, it should be the right keyword you hope the search engines to consider when scrawling up your site. This is the very special step when writing article. Adding keyword to the introduction passage is not too hard to go through if you used to write your own articles. You already learnt how to attract readers to read your article body in your high school years. Getting the reader’s attention by introducing your article title or asking good questions related to your title to convey the message that the readers will be told in the next passages.
Otherwise, starting your article with the right keyword is also known as a super idea to make search engines go round. You will get use to doing this after several articles are published in article directories or even at your own blog.
Write Great Article Body
It’s time for you to push your readers to deeply dig into the points. What’s it? Usually, this is where you tell your readers about the important points and information of your article. So what to write about in here? It’s not the secret and it’s not the new technique, but it’s something you collected from the forum posts and threads. Try to copy as much as possible from the posts and threads, it might be two or more different posts but make sure they are in the topic. Later on, you will paste all relevant texts/answers into a draft document. All you need right here is the right answers or tips that respond to the topic. Give them bulleting or numbering as you will use them to write your whole article body which is full of tips and great ideas for your readers. You should also include the relevant keywords to earn more credit for your site’s page rank.
Determine that you have come up with 5 bullet points which mean 5 tips or ideas to solve the problem that occurred in the article title. It should appear as follows:
Article title:
Having Trouble With Page Rank? Why Don’t Try Free Website Traffic Generation Ideas?
Bullet Points:
- Article marketing
- Social bookmarking sites
- Forum marketing and blog comments
- Social networking sites
- Link and banner Exchanges
Well, it’s simple as that. Go on with your article body using each point one by one. Try to explain your readers the advantages of your sub-title, why they have to use this method and how to go with the method. You can add more value to your article by giving a few examples of any experiences or good practices around it. If you feel like you are in writing block, go back to the threads (draft document) and read them for more ideas. In case you still face trouble, go to the net and do a little surf to find out more supported ideas. You will get over.
Writing article body is not the step where you waste your readers the time. If you can not give them the right thing, they will be fed up and click away. Digging up the rock in the right place where the gold must be, not searching for the place where the gold should be. Just give it to your readers!
Remember not to fall into duplicated content that tries to fool article directories or search engines. You won’t get anywhere more than losing credit. Now you can go to the rest bullet points.
You lastly need to come up with the overall article meaning in a short context that drives readers to conclusion.
What To Write In The Conclusion Passage
Doing this you can express overal theme and especially how the article benefits the reader’s business. You can do other techniques of conclusion that you used to go by. In this passage, anyway it’s your opportunity to drive your reader’s attention to other special stuff or information. Write something that makes your readers feel like they can not live without, so that they will follow your recommendation and take action, but it’s not the time to add your website’s URL. This should be appeared in another stage where we call “the resource box”.
What To Add In The Resource Box
It’s the last but not the least. After warming up reader’s attention to your target point or stuff from your conclusion passage, it’s your super time to introduce your readers to hot-red stuff or places you want them to go through or to take action. Anyway, you can guide them to the most related blog post or to your opt-in page if you are building the list. Don’t waste the space in the recourse box to introduce your website’s URL to the readers while it’s allowed you to do so. Place another link after the hot one as your readers sometimes seem not to interest enough in your recommended link, but they would rather interest in what you are doing with your blog instead. This can give your home page another credit of incoming link.
Even the recourse box is the heart of your site’s traffic, you should add more value or give other benefits to your readers better than just trying to force them to land on your salespage. If you don’t really know how to add special value and how to effectively ask readers to take action, take a little time to see those whose resource boxes are fine enough in directories. Remember, it’s a must to understand the directory’s term and condition before adding your article the recourse box and any URLs as you will be dissatisfied when your article is deleted or not approved.
Now I would say writing article is not a very hard work anymore for every body. The good news is that people can write it by themselves and not to worry much about the writing’s block that usually places your website traffic, reputation and conversion ratio in the nightmare.
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